Hargy Oil Palms Limited (HOPL) is striving to be a world leader in the sustainable palm oil industry, delivering on its commitment as a producer of certified, sustainable, and traceable oil palm produced in Papua New Guinea and sold globally.
HOPL is the second largest producer of sustainable palm oil in Papua New Guinea, with a total planted area of 13 550 hectares of land located within New Britain Island alone in its 40 years of existence as of September 2019.
Hargy Oil Palms Limited is committed to promoting the general wellbeing of its 4 989 employees and their families as a means towards securing their full attention and dedication in achieving the company’s vision and mission. Its main business activities include the cultivation, cartage, milling and export of premium quality palm oil to overseas markets.

The company also collaborates with 3 646 independent smallholders as part of its overall oil palm plantation business within West New Britain Province.